četrtek, 31. oktober 2013


I woke up when my mom started to clean the car around 10 am and she just turned up music so loud that I could hear it.

I had breakfast, after that I helped my mom with some things in the car.

Well I took my laptop and some other stuff and went to my uncles apparent and worked on my English presentation.

We had this really good lunc and after that my grandad prepared chestnuts. Yaay! <3
I was just so full. I rested for a little while.

Then again I started working on my presentation.
My cousins came and just stopped me and told me to stop working and just enjoy the day.

Then I got this amazing surprise! My cousins girlfriend bought tickets for One Direction concert in June in Milano. Awww, I just can't wait!

We had dinner and after that we just watched some TV together.

And now? Well I hoped that I'm gonna go on awesome Halloween party, but I'm just gonna chill in front of the TV.

Xoxo, It Girl

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