petek, 25. oktober 2013


I came home around 2 o'clock and went to bed. I was sleeping only like 4 hours, but I got up for school.

I tried to not to fall asleep during the classes, in the middle we had english exam, I did not study for it at all, but I hope I did just fine.
After that we had two more hours, law and math. I don't remember what we were doing in math class because I fell asleep.

When the classes were over we wen to this little Chinese shop, were I saw this big fluffy teddy bear!  <3 

Later we went for a coup of coffee and waited on bus.

Around 5 o'clock we went to get my friends boyfriend and we just went out for a couple of drinks until like 9 pm.. 

When I got back my dad just made pizza for dinner so we ate, I watched a little bit of tv and just waiting to fall asleep right now.

Xoxo, It Girl   

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