četrtek, 24. oktober 2013


Waking up for school was just so easy today.

I woke up prepared myself for all the stuff and just went to school.

First three hours we had classes, then we had brunch and just waited for our bus in front of the school to go to Ljubljana.

We went on a fair, it was really really cool! We got a lot of free samples, we got mini Coca-Colas, Burn energy drink,  we signed petition for stop testing things on animals, shampoos, pictures from the photobooth, picture with the kangaroo who told us some dirty stuff, ate chestnuts and at the end I even won free ticket for spring break in Poreč for 2 days with sleeping.
After that we went back to school.

My mom picked me up there and we went to Celje. We stopped in this amazing restaurant named Grof and ate dinner. 
Well yeah after dinner we went to Celje.

We went to this amazing concert called "Noč Modrijanov - ... Povedali vam bomo zgodbo... " .. 

I'm not this yaaay big fan of theirs music but I totally loved the concert. They brought out almost 150 guest people, like: Jan Plestenjak, Vili Resnik, Skupina GADI, Ansambel Roka Žlindre, Tanja Žagar, Omar Naber, Oto Pesner, Čuki, Alfi Nipič, Navihanke, Dejan Vunjak and soooo much more! 

Thank you Modrijani for the best 3 hours in a long long time!

Thanks to my mom, thank you for this amazing night!

Xoxo, It Girl

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