četrtek, 31. oktober 2013


I woke up when my mom started to clean the car around 10 am and she just turned up music so loud that I could hear it.

I had breakfast, after that I helped my mom with some things in the car.

Well I took my laptop and some other stuff and went to my uncles apparent and worked on my English presentation.

We had this really good lunc and after that my grandad prepared chestnuts. Yaay! <3
I was just so full. I rested for a little while.

Then again I started working on my presentation.
My cousins came and just stopped me and told me to stop working and just enjoy the day.

Then I got this amazing surprise! My cousins girlfriend bought tickets for One Direction concert in June in Milano. Awww, I just can't wait!

We had dinner and after that we just watched some TV together.

And now? Well I hoped that I'm gonna go on awesome Halloween party, but I'm just gonna chill in front of the TV.

Xoxo, It Girl

sreda, 30. oktober 2013


I couldn't really sleep yesterday. There was this big storm going on, I'm not really scared of storms but this one was horrible!

I woke up around 10 am and just had breakfast, I cleaned house and started cooking lunch.

After lunch I just packed my bags for Koper. I just couldn't wait to go back to seaside. When my mom got home, we just prepared some stuff and hit the road.

After like 2 hours, we got there and my grandma waited us with dinner and roasted chestnuts.

Now I'm just watching Thor and waiting to fall asleep.

Xoxo, It Girl

torek, 29. oktober 2013

Don't Let Go!

I woke up around 9am and just watched some E!
I watched True Hollywood Story - Giulianna Rancic and I just got soooooo much inspiration.
I opened my notebook and just studied a little, did some reserch on sociology and stuff that teacher gave us to do.

Then I had little lunch with dad and sister.
Watched some shows on tv, then I downloaded some music for my phone and just went on youtube.

I discovered this baby!
Chris Collins aka WeeklyChris !
I can honestly say that he's the best, he make me laugh for no reason.
His videos are just awesome, funny, inspiring, cute.
And I've been watching them for like 2 hours.

My mom picked me up and we went home, we blasted some Modirjani-s music, don't know how but I knida fell in love with some songs. Yeaa, weird me. We had dinner and I just went back on the laptop.

Now I'm watching Chris again and just having the best time.
Well just check him out!

Well I talked with my friends during the day, I miss them sooooo much, I miss my friend, a lot of things happend and I just don't know how to help them, but I really try. 
Everything well be okey baby!
Love ya! 

Xoxo, It Girl

ponedeljek, 28. oktober 2013


I woke up around 10 am and just chilled on the couch, I had breakfast and watched some movies with my sister.

Later we had lunch and just watched some more movies. 

I was chatting with my friends on the phone and Facebook. 
I talked with my friend from Belgium after a long time.

Later I watched some Carrie Dairies and my dad made some diner. 

Now we're watching The Last Song and just waiting to fall asleep again.

Xoxo, It Girl

nedelja, 27. oktober 2013

Lazy day!

Day was pretty boring.

All I did was sleep, I watched some tv, eat and talked with my friends.

My body hurts, from legs to head. Not because of running but of that stupid cramps. 

So sleeping felt just the right thing to do, you just forgot about the pain for a little while.

Now I'm just gonna have a dinner with sister dad and his girlfriend.
Later we're gonna watch tv and yeah nothing special.

Xoxo, It Girl

sobota, 26. oktober 2013

Marathon time!

So I woke up around 9 am, when my friend send me text about Moto GP saying that Marc Marquez is starting in first pole position. 

I slowly got ready for marathon later today.

The blog hit more than 1000 views today so I'm just so proud of me and thank you all for all the views.

My friend Kristina picked us up and we drove to school where we got shirts, starting number and chip for running that we had to put on shoe lance.
Well, then we finally went to Ljubljana.

 It was great, there was almost 600 high school girls and boys who went on marathon, well there was more girls than boys.

We were running really good but after like 2 km I got crunch in my leg but I just keept running with this big pain, I saw one girl who fainted. I can still see her face, it was so bad, I just keept running to the finish line. 

Without any training, with me without being in shape, well my time was around 26 min. Well my friend Jaka got the time of 19 min! Yeez, he did awesome! ;) 

Then again I finished my task of running a marathon on my to do list.

After that we changed in normal clothes, got some food and went on a coup of tea with our friend Matej, who was also running around 15 min and well he's a ski jumper so that's naturally.

The ride back was awesome we had this little party in the car. And now I'm just going to my bed, can't wait!

Xoxo, It Girl

petek, 25. oktober 2013


I came home around 2 o'clock and went to bed. I was sleeping only like 4 hours, but I got up for school.

I tried to not to fall asleep during the classes, in the middle we had english exam, I did not study for it at all, but I hope I did just fine.
After that we had two more hours, law and math. I don't remember what we were doing in math class because I fell asleep.

When the classes were over we wen to this little Chinese shop, were I saw this big fluffy teddy bear!  <3 

Later we went for a coup of coffee and waited on bus.

Around 5 o'clock we went to get my friends boyfriend and we just went out for a couple of drinks until like 9 pm.. 

When I got back my dad just made pizza for dinner so we ate, I watched a little bit of tv and just waiting to fall asleep right now.

Xoxo, It Girl   

četrtek, 24. oktober 2013


Waking up for school was just so easy today.

I woke up prepared myself for all the stuff and just went to school.

First three hours we had classes, then we had brunch and just waited for our bus in front of the school to go to Ljubljana.

We went on a fair, it was really really cool! We got a lot of free samples, we got mini Coca-Colas, Burn energy drink,  we signed petition for stop testing things on animals, shampoos, pictures from the photobooth, picture with the kangaroo who told us some dirty stuff, ate chestnuts and at the end I even won free ticket for spring break in Poreč for 2 days with sleeping.
After that we went back to school.

My mom picked me up there and we went to Celje. We stopped in this amazing restaurant named Grof and ate dinner. 
Well yeah after dinner we went to Celje.

We went to this amazing concert called "Noč Modrijanov - ... Povedali vam bomo zgodbo... " .. 

I'm not this yaaay big fan of theirs music but I totally loved the concert. They brought out almost 150 guest people, like: Jan Plestenjak, Vili Resnik, Skupina GADI, Ansambel Roka Žlindre, Tanja Žagar, Omar Naber, Oto Pesner, Čuki, Alfi Nipič, Navihanke, Dejan Vunjak and soooo much more! 

Thank you Modrijani for the best 3 hours in a long long time!

Thanks to my mom, thank you for this amazing night!

Xoxo, It Girl

sreda, 23. oktober 2013

Jealous much?!

School was just great, me and my schoolmate complained about how boring it was, how tired we were and how we wanted to go back to sleep. Well I love to sleep!

Somehow I got my friend pretty much jealouse when we were in the library, don't know how but I just did. Sorry bro, I still love you! ;)

When I got back I did some stuff for school, started reading new book, prepared some things for my weekend at dads, eat, did my nails.

And we talked with my friends about trip aroud UK in September, that would be great.

Now I'm just going in bed.

Xoxo, It Girl

torek, 22. oktober 2013


I woke up earlier than I normaly do.
I washed my hair and just prepared some stuff and went on a bus.

In school we just had this last rehearsal before people came to see the presentations, and I can only say we did pretty amazing job!

When the end was comming my head was about to blow up!
We just waited on bus for home, I fell asleep again. Just normal.

When I got home I had lunch and I got my Mortal Instruments: City Of Ashes book. Yaay!
I went to my room and somehow fell asleep, I woke up around 7pm, prepared my bag, helped my sister with her math homework and just ate dinner.

And now, I'm just going back to sleep.

Xoxo, It Girl

ponedeljek, 21. oktober 2013

Do This, Do This, Do This!

I started the day pretty good, I woke up like immediately.
Then again I fall asleep back on the bus.

Me and my firends started a day with a cup of coffee and slowly went to school.
First three hours were just boring. In the next hour we started to work on last details for tomorrows presentation.
Teacher was just talking like all the time and then she was like: "Janja can you help us with this powerpoint thing, please can you put them together and add some music."
It was just easy peasy for me, sure, I did helped, after I finished she was just like: "Good girl, you can really do anything. Well done."
Yeah yeah, you can kiss my ass.

Well then I had brunch.
After that me and my two other schoolmates were dismissed from classes and just went back to work on few last things.

When I came back, I picked up my sister at waterpark and we went to get this really great cake. Yummmy, it was soooo goood.
After that we went to shop a little clothes for the winter that's comming really fast.

My mom picked us up and we went to get some pizza, I was feeling sick, so I just take it some for home.

When I finally came home I changed in my onesie and I just jumped on my bed, turned on my laptop, blogging and just reading.

Now I'm just gonna do my normal stuff and go to sleep.
(I'm just tired of all that "after, after, after, then, then..." .. Well I don't know what else should I write, soooo....)

Xoxo, It Girl 

nedelja, 20. oktober 2013

Counting Stars!

I fell asleep around 1am. I just couldn't sleep, the last thing I know I was counting stars that glows in the dark on my wall.

I woke up around 9am when I heard this amazing laugh, my neighbour and her little son came for the morning cup of coffee. I quickly got up and joined them, well my mom and sister were already awake.
The cup of coffee was just a great way to start the day.

Then I went back in my room just to chill and started to write a new blog post.
I was just amazed after I was done. Nahhh just kidding. But you can still check it out!

My sister came after that and asked me to join my mom and her while they started to watch Hangover: Part III like 5 minutes before she actually got me, I just went to watch it, I already saw it in the cinema. I just love to spend time with them. I just missed my dad. We used to do that almost every Sunday when my family was still together.

After that my sister went on a birthday, me and my mom had lunch. It was just soooooo goood. :D 
Well we watched some new movies after that. 

I edited my blogs, they are better looking now, I blasted some Eminem music to get some ideas for maybe next blog, or just something.

I tried to put my outfit for tomorrow together, but I think I'm hopeless case, I ran out of cozy cloathes for school.

Now I'm just donna have diner, take a shower, prepare for school and just cuddle with my bed. ;)

Xoxo, It Girl

sobota, 19. oktober 2013

Bling Ring!

Day went by pretty fast. I was working all day, but nothing really sooooo important-

In the morning I had breakfast with my mom and sister.
After that we cleaned all the house and made lunch.
After that we just chilled. 

I was watching tv, I was looking for some new inspiration, updated my tab and phone. 
Saw some movies and now im watching The Bling Ring and just waiting to fall asleep. I'm sooooo tired but I can't sleep.

Xoxo, It Girl 

petek, 18. oktober 2013


Day went by pretty normal.
I got 4 (85%) in math class. I feel just soooooo proud. hehe #MathNerd.

In the middle of the classes I had my driving lessons which was pretty fun.

When I got home I had lunch and after that I just went on my laptop bored.

So I decided to start doing this "Person I admire" thing for my English class.
I picked Demi Lovato, I don't know why, but I just love her!

After that I watched some tv and read some pages of the book, then again it's Mortal Instruments: City of Bones.
Well, I tried to find next part of the book in my language, but they didn't translate it. What a shame, so I just bought over the internet new part in English - Mortal Instruments: City of Ashes. Can't wait till Tuesday or Wednesday when I will get it! <3

That's all for today!

Xoxo, It Girl

četrtek, 17. oktober 2013

Neck pain!

When I woke up in the morning I couldn't move. My neck was in so much pain. When my mom helped me to get up I started to cry. The pain was sooo big that I couldn't handle it.
I took some pills, I massaged my neck with this gel lotion for muscles and went to school.

The pain got away, nothing special really happened. I really tried to focus on the subject but I couldn't.
Well in Slovenian class I wrote some idea's for new blog post. I was drawing runes - from Mortal Instruments: City Of Bones - all the time.

I have to get myself together somehow, I would really like to go out in this beautiful weather like today's.

I just wanna move away, not like to other place or city, but other country. Just to forget about everything and start fresh.

When I came home I had lunch and I finally watched Mortal Instruments: City Of Bones movie. I'm in love with this thing! <3

Then I cleaned some dishes, painted my nails and calmed down with this great coup of Christmas Tea.

Now I'm just about to fall asleep.

Xoxo, It Girl

sreda, 16. oktober 2013


I woke up nervous, school was nerv wrecking because one of the classes.

Then something really stupid happened I was so mad on my friend.It's just hurting me, I had another déjà vu.

Later when I was already at home my bff called, we just broke down crying over the phone. Our families are pretty messed up. 
So the break down was normal, it was the only thing you could expect from me in that moment.

Im so tired, mentally and fiscally.

Im going to bed early.

Good night.

Xoxo, It Girl

torek, 15. oktober 2013

Sweet sleeping time!

Waking up in the morning was pretty bad. I felt like train ran over me. I was sooooo tired.

School was again nerv wrecking, because of that math exam at the end of the day.

After that I had my driving lessons, it was good. I even drove home later and my mom almost got a heart attack because I drove toooo fast.

When I got home I had lunch and just studied a little, I fell asleep I was just so tired. I woke up like 15 min ago, I will just eat a little, study and talk with my friend. ;)

Xoxo, It Girl

ponedeljek, 14. oktober 2013


There's toooo much secrets going on lately.

I woke up in this boring morning, my friends dad drove us to school.
Classes were pretty good, I loved P.E. class..

After that we went to get some coffee and went home.

I packed my bags at my dads place and came home.

Then I just studied math and economics. Talked with my best friend all the time! ♥ And I'm still talking to him.

Xoxo, It Girl

nedelja, 13. oktober 2013

Sunday fun day!

I woke up around half past eight in this cloudy day. 
Just great I thought.

I got ready and then my mom picked me and my sister to go to Ljubljana.

We stopped in Kranj and bought me new pair of running shoes. Sweet.

In Ljubljana we waited on friends and then we had lunch on the boat driving around the city on the river Ljubljanica. 
It was great, even sun showed up! We had a lot of fun, we ate a lot, we even draw and ate chestnuts.

Later we went on "Nebotičnik" where we had great time drinking coffee and I even drank a Mojito with my friend Žan.
It was just soooooo beautiful, view of the whole city, warm weather a lot of joking around and great company.

After that we went to this shopping center, because we wanted to drive gokard, but they were just tooo expensive so we just went to drive bumper cars for like 20 min.
There was so much laugh.

Then we went to get the dinner. We ate pizza and some pasta we even drank vine from one of my friend from Koper. They got the best vine - Rodica is the best!

And after that we finally went home.
Ugh, it was perfect and I'm so tired.

Xoxo, It Girl

sobota, 12. oktober 2013

Baby time!

I woke up around 10 am and did my normal stuff. Then I read the book
Mortal Instruments: city of bones and had lunch later.

After that I studied some math and I was on the laptop just a little.

I was watching Hannah Montana: Forever with my sister and then my dads girlfriend showed us pictures of little baby. 
Yesterday our dad told us about baby and I just couldn't believe it! Awww the small bump, I just can't believe I'm gonna get a little baby (half) brother or sister.
 Awww. I'm just happy!

Later we went on dinner because it was her dad's birthday.
And I'm just waiting to go home, I'm pretty tired but it's funny to be around them.

Xoxo, It Girl

petek, 11. oktober 2013

Work it!

School was nerv wrecking. We had the exam and in the end of the day we got the results. I got B+ (89%) , I missed A for half of the point. -.- Damnn!

After school, I had lunch and after that I went to fitness with my friend. It was just the best!
It was fun to just work out, talk about some plans for the vacations and just girly gossip stuff.

Then I just read a book, looked at some math stuff, edited some stuff on my tab.
And well I watched the premiere of The Carrie Diaries, and I love it!!!!!

Good night people!

Xoxo, It Girl

četrtek, 10. oktober 2013

Learning and training!

Morning was pretty bored, nothing special happened.

School was like always, but tho I loved P.E. class, I really miss having it like 3 or 4 hours a week. 

During English period me and my schoolmate Anže talked about some exercises for body. He gave me some advices, which are pretty good.

Well he knows a lot more than me, and I know a lot of stuff, but he trains every day, he just got a lot more experience than me - he's training fitness and Cross-Country Skiing.
I miss the days when I trained it.

After school I talked a little with my friend Jaka.

Later when I came at my dads place I studied for the tomorrow's exam and talked about some stuff for tomorrows day in fitness in the afternoon with my friend Maruša.

Now I'm just reading the book, reviewing some things and just waiting to fall asleep.

Xoxo, It Girl

sreda, 9. oktober 2013

Normal, like always!

The day went by pretty normal.

School was like always.

In the free period we went to get some hot chocolate.

After the school we just waited with my friend to get some information about how her mothers surgery went. 
It went good so we just calmed down.
Then I saw my friends, when they came back from

Bust drive home seemed longer than always.

At home I just did some stuff for school, read some pages of the book, packed my bags for the rest of the week at my dads place.

Then it hit me about the exam on Friday and marathon on the 27th of October. I just have to be prepared for that.

Xoxo, It Girl

torek, 8. oktober 2013

Driving lessons!

It took me a lot of time to get my ass from the bed this morning. I pushed on snooze button like two or three times. 

I just did my normal routine and went from home to the bus station earlier than other days.

School was normal like always. First period we had math. Yaaay! Not!
And for the rest of the day we were in computer classes working on the project work for graduation and some introduction for secondary school.

After that I had my driving lessons. I met my instructor and he's really kind. We drove to the begging place and he just introduced me with the car. Hh. 

Then I got behind the wheels. First I learned how to start it, get more speed, drive backwards, just the beginners stuff and I was driving around the parking space.
In the next hour I got the car on the road and just drove around the town for like 15 times.
In the end he just told me that I drive really really good for the beginner and that he's surprised how fast learner am I.
I just couldn't be more proud of myself. 

Later I took the bus home and went to get the lunch with my mom. At home I did my homework, well just the things that I knew how to do them, read Mortal Instruments : The City Of Bones.
Did some exercises, took a shower, drank a coup of tea and now I'm in bed just ready to go to sleep.
That's all for today!

Xoxo, It Girl 

ponedeljek, 7. oktober 2013

Try Again!

I won't try to tell you something or convince you that what I'm doing is right, but I'm doing the thing that will make me happy. I just try to do the things on my own, but it's just that they always have to boss around me, like they own me but they don't even try to understand me, not even my family. I may be a little heart broken now but I will be fine really soon.

Waking up for school at 4.40am is bad, but let start brand new day early. After a long time I actually ate in the morning, maybe because yesterday I didn't eat and I was pretty starving. 

While I was waiting to get my cup of tea I listened to Heartbreaker. It's just <3.

I said goodbyes to my friends who went on this school camp for 3 days, it will be pretty hard but I can't wait that they will come back. We have a lot to talk about.
Then me and my friend Tamara actually really tried hard not to sleep during the first three periods. I was waking her up all the time, but she fell asleep again and again and again.

In the brunch time we went to buy 11h of driving lessons, damn they're pretty expensive, but if I wanna get my licence I have to do that.

Then I get my copy of the Heartbreaker by Justin, which is totally perfect. I think he will make me love the next 10 mondays. Every monday new music, pretty good thing for the start of the week. :D

We got last period free so we went to get coffee just to chill a little and then I went home.
On my ride back I saw my ex-boyfirend. It was little awkward but, we just tried to talk normal and avoid yesterdays situation. 

I had lunch and then I watched this little "movie" Destination Forks: The Real World Of Twillight. I loved it! I really wanna see that place one day.
Later I went to my room and I talked with my friend but I fell asleep in the middle of the conversation so that was pretty funny.

I woke up around 7pm when she called me again. :D
Nothing special happened until now.
I will just do some excersizes now, took a shower and just go to sleep.

Xoxo, It Girl

nedelja, 6. oktober 2013

Wrecking ball!

I woke up in this crazy day.

My head was about to explode, just like right now.

I had this big fight yesterday witn my boyfriend and we broke up.
I stayed in my bed for whole day.

Then later I texted him to come to my place.
And he came.
He was just there next to me in my bed.

And I was crying for the whole time, and I still am crying now and I feel like throwing up, I just can't help it, I just think I'm gonna faint.

I know that what I did was wrong, but he said it's not my fault. But it is, he said that he deserves it. 

I just can't do this. I'm sorry!

Xoxo, It Girl

sobota, 5. oktober 2013

Firewood Time!

Woke up in another cold day.
We had this big breakfast.
All my friends and family together.

Then we were working all day just putting the firewood in the shed. Damn my back hurts, but it's great, because it was nice to do something outside with my family for all day.

Later we had diner and it was awesome. The cake was amazing and my moms birthday party is still going on.

But I just don't feel like being there.
I know It's short but I don't feel like writing all down.
So that's all.

Xoxo, It Girl