It's easy for normal people to live a normal life in this world where a lot of people don't understand you. Well in my case I'm not normal. You just have to fight throu, so just keep your heels, head & standards high.
četrtek, 31. oktober 2013
sreda, 30. oktober 2013
torek, 29. oktober 2013
Don't Let Go!
Everything well be okey baby!
Love ya!
ponedeljek, 28. oktober 2013
nedelja, 27. oktober 2013
Lazy day!
sobota, 26. oktober 2013
Marathon time!
petek, 25. oktober 2013
četrtek, 24. oktober 2013
sreda, 23. oktober 2013
Jealous much?!
School was just great, me and my schoolmate complained about how boring it was, how tired we were and how we wanted to go back to sleep. Well I love to sleep!
Somehow I got my friend pretty much jealouse when we were in the library, don't know how but I just did. Sorry bro, I still love you! ;)
When I got back I did some stuff for school, started reading new book, prepared some things for my weekend at dads, eat, did my nails.
And we talked with my friends about trip aroud UK in September, that would be great.
Now I'm just going in bed.
Xoxo, It Girl
torek, 22. oktober 2013
ponedeljek, 21. oktober 2013
Do This, Do This, Do This!
nedelja, 20. oktober 2013
Counting Stars!
sobota, 19. oktober 2013
Bling Ring!
petek, 18. oktober 2013
četrtek, 17. oktober 2013
Neck pain!
sreda, 16. oktober 2013
torek, 15. oktober 2013
Sweet sleeping time!
ponedeljek, 14. oktober 2013
nedelja, 13. oktober 2013
Sunday fun day!
sobota, 12. oktober 2013
Baby time!
petek, 11. oktober 2013
Work it!
četrtek, 10. oktober 2013
Learning and training!
sreda, 9. oktober 2013
Normal, like always!
torek, 8. oktober 2013
Driving lessons!
And for the rest of the day we were in computer classes working on the project work for graduation and some introduction for secondary school.
Then I got behind the wheels. First I learned how to start it, get more speed, drive backwards, just the beginners stuff and I was driving around the parking space.
In the next hour I got the car on the road and just drove around the town for like 15 times.
In the end he just told me that I drive really really good for the beginner and that he's surprised how fast learner am I.
I just couldn't be more proud of myself.
Did some exercises, took a shower, drank a coup of tea and now I'm in bed just ready to go to sleep.
ponedeljek, 7. oktober 2013
Try Again!
nedelja, 6. oktober 2013
Wrecking ball!
My head was about to explode, just like right now.
Then later I texted him to come to my place.
And he came.
He was just there next to me in my bed.