ponedeljek, 18. november 2013

Sooo Tired!

I woke up at 4.30 am for school, the first thought that run through my brain was kill me please, I wanna go back to sleep.

I fell asleep on my way to the school.

We stopped at the Caffee and drank some tea and coffee. We talked about party and just stuff like that.

The classes were pretty much making me nerves or sleepy I don't know really, but I think the day passey by pretty slow. 

After that I had my driving lessons and just drowe round the town for 2 hours.
When I got home I ate lunch and prepared stuff for school. I did some things for our Slovenian class, I marked all the page's or correctly said the stories that I need to learn for graduation exam.

I talked with my friends and eat dinner afterwards.

Now I'm going to sleep, just to get all the lost hours of the sleep.

Xoxo, It Girl

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