sobota, 30. november 2013

Hunger Games!

Well I'm just shortly gonna tell you everything that happened these days.
Well on Thursday I kinda was sleeping pretty much all day. I was sick and I stayed in bed all day, just sleeping, drinking tea and watching some Rebelde telenovelas. ;)

On Friday I sleept until like 10 am, I cleaned the house, prepared some stuff for our weekend in Koper and watched Rebelde again.

When my mom got home she told me that I would drive, I was like " What? You're kidding right?" .

In the end I drove us to Koper, first time on the highway and driving at night. Well it was just great!
We had dinner and I just fell asleep after that because my head hurted so bad.

Today we had these little preparation for birthday of my cousin, we prepared everything and had lunch after that.

We rested for a little, then we went to the mall and bought some presents and clothes for us. I even bough new One Direction: The Ultimate Edition of Midnight Memories <3 , mannnn I just love it! 

When we got home we just finished some stuff and well party begins.
Around 7pm we decided to go to the movie's.
We went to see The Hunger Games: Catching Fire!
Baby I loved it! It's just so worth the money and the time, I just can't wait for THG: Mockingjay Part 1, next November!

Now I'm just talking with my boy and waiting to fall asleep!

Xoxo, It Girl

sreda, 27. november 2013


I know that I should write everyday, but I decided that I'll write every second day.

So much things happened, from being so happy to get hurt on regular basis.
And now, well I'm sick and that sucks. But I will get better soon.

Xoxo, It Girl

petek, 22. november 2013

So much stuff going on!

I know I didn't write these days. 

School was keeping me very busy.

We got exam the other day. I studied and repaired my grade from 2 to 5 with all 100%..

Yesterday I went to Modrijani concer again and it was incredible. I even got the chance to take a picture with them. 

Today we had dancing lessons and it was really the best! Laughed alot and well finally danced, and well I have a new dancing partner is Jaka! So that's awesome!

Now I'm just in bed talking to friends! 

Xoxo, It Girl

torek, 19. november 2013

Well that was great!

I probably had the best sleep ever in a while during the week.

In the morning I explained everything about the iPod to my friend and just the drive to school was passing by so fast.

In school we finally accomplished something as a team, joking with professor and actually falling for our joke was the best, she actually believed that we moved the exam.

Then we had 4 hours in computer class just working on some homework that proff. gave us because she had to go and for the rest of the day we were just doing nothing, well it's just so annoying when one of my schoolmates is tre to be funny with insulting me. I just can't stand him anymore.

After that I went home, me and my bff Kristina had this big talk about love and stuff like that on the bus.

Well for lunch, me and my mom again made some home Greek Gyros, it was delicious!

I just studied for quiet a while after that and later I talked with my friends.
My mom and sister started to joke around and question me about the party I went to.

Now I'm just in bed revising some stuff and just waiting to fall asleep.

Xoxo, It Girl

ponedeljek, 18. november 2013

Sooo Tired!

I woke up at 4.30 am for school, the first thought that run through my brain was kill me please, I wanna go back to sleep.

I fell asleep on my way to the school.

We stopped at the Caffee and drank some tea and coffee. We talked about party and just stuff like that.

The classes were pretty much making me nerves or sleepy I don't know really, but I think the day passey by pretty slow. 

After that I had my driving lessons and just drowe round the town for 2 hours.
When I got home I ate lunch and prepared stuff for school. I did some things for our Slovenian class, I marked all the page's or correctly said the stories that I need to learn for graduation exam.

I talked with my friends and eat dinner afterwards.

Now I'm going to sleep, just to get all the lost hours of the sleep.

Xoxo, It Girl

nedelja, 17. november 2013

Going Home!

We woke up around 9 am we stayed in bed until like 11 am after that went to get coffee. 

Our friend drove us to another friend and we just talked,  and I saw him and it was perfect.

Later we went to McDonald's to get some brunch and went on a train.
I fell asleep and they woke me up in Ljubljana. The train from Ljubljana was pretty much late.

My mom picked me up in Kranj and we went to see a movie Gremo Mi Po Svoje. Hahah, great movie. 

We went to get dinner but I just couldn't eat. 

I talked with him for a while.

About an hour ago I got home. I prepared stuff from school and now im just gonna go to sleep.

Xoxo, It Girl

sobota, 16. november 2013


I woke up around 8 am and had breakfast. I prepared myself and my mom drove me to my friends house.

We went on bus and went to Novo Mesto. The ride was just awesome.
We had lunch and slowly prepared ourslef for the party.

The party was just awesome,I meet some awesome people and I loved every second of it. Sorry but I'm gonna keep the details for myself and friends. 
We got home around 3 am and just went to sleep.

Xoxo, It Girl

petek, 15. november 2013


I really don't know what is happening with me lately.
I was really in a bad mood, tired, always sleeping.
Maybe it was because of this movie that we saw named "Razredni Sovražnik" in the kino who keept me thinking all the time, or just stuff that happened to me few weeks ago, or just arguing with one of my friends.

Today I woke up in this really cold day. It was snowing and it was just so pretty.

School was pretty much boring we were talking about movie a lot and we had exam. I hope I did good.

After school, I was waiting my friend to come for dancing lessons but yeah, he just couldn't come, I was dissapointed, hurt, well I don't know, I just wanted to dance.

After I got home my mom made us Greek lunch, yuuum Gyros, it wasn't the same but still, it was sooooo good. We cleaned the house after that.

I updated my friends iPod, my sister found my Mp3 player after like 4 years I think, so I tried to fix it too.
Now I'm just talking with friends and watching some YouTube videos and then I'm gonna prepare some stuff for birthday party that I will attend tomorrow and just gonna go to sleep after that.

Xoxo, It Girl

sreda, 13. november 2013


Dont feel like writing today. Im just so tired but im gonna update you tomorrow so check the page again.

Xoxo, It Girl

torek, 12. november 2013


Well the first thing that came up in my mind in the morning was that I forgot to write a blog. First time in 49 days.

Well about yesterday, nothing speciall really happened, scool was boring like always, classes went by really fast and my friend who was sick last week came to school again. I was really tired for the whole day and when I got home I ate dinner and just fell asleep.

The best morning ever really. Chris Collins was tweeting and I just replayed for fun. And guess what he did?! He favorited the tweet! Yaaay! <3

School was passing by just soooo slow today. -.-' . One of my schoolmates crashed my phone password and just well he saw everything, I hope not, anyway after school I had my driving lessons.

It was great because I could drive home my two friends Jaka and Matevž and just drive some more around the town. We were laughing so hard in the begging because my instructor said you have to look back more often and just wink them.

After that I took my bus and went home. My mom prepared really good lunch, it was the best!

Then I did smoe stuff for school and finally cleaned my room. 

Now I'm just talking with friends, watching some tv and stuff that you do on a lazy night like today is.

Xoxo, It Girl

nedelja, 10. november 2013

Moto GP World Champion!

I woke up around 9 am and had breakfast with my family.
After that me and my sister watched some cartoons.

Later we went to lunch at my grand patents house.

After the lunc we watched last race of the Moto GP 2013
I was just so nerves and excited and well I was like wrecking ball. My sister laughed at me like crazy.

Well my baby Marc Marquez end up in 3rd place but ended up winning world championship! <3
I'm just sooooo freaking proud!

When we got home I did some stuff for school, took a shower, worked on fixing my friends iPod and had dinner.

And now?
I'm just watching EMA 2013 Live from Amsterdam!

Xoxo, It Girl

sobota, 9. november 2013

Without the power!

I woke up really late.

I answered some texts, changed myself and went to get lunch.
We ate lunch really early.

After that me and my dad watched some Moto GP qualification and like always I'm really really proud of Marc Marquez for wining another first pole position for tomorrow last race of the season.
After that we watched some movie, outside was raining like hell.

My best friend Kristina texted me saying if we wanted to go out. 
So we went out with her boyfriend Vlado and her brother Simon. 
We were laughing of an hour, her brother is such an sweet tooth, we were drinking hot cacao and ate some cookies. Yum.

When I got home I ate dinner and after that we were watching movie again. In the middle of the movie the power went off and we were without the power for almost 20 minutes.
Well in the end when it got back we just watched tv.

Now I'm just waiting to fall asleep.

Xoxo, It Girl

petek, 8. november 2013

Dancing lessons!

I totally hated this morning, I never felted so sick.

Drive to school was killing me, even if I fell asleep.

Classes were boring and just so tiring, well my schoolmate Anže helped me to just kinda find out why I fell sooo bad.
He's really kind, he always helps me.

After the classes were done I went to school principal because she's my sociology mentor and showed her my project work.

Then we went to get my dancing partner Matevž, because he just finished his hockey practice and we drove back to school.

We were laughing so hard during the dancing lessons,  we had the best time and we just enjoyed each others company, it was just so goood to turn your mind off and just have fun and laugh.

Later Kristina took me home and I just watched tv with my dads girlfriend.
Then somehow I ate dinner and now I'm in bed just waiting to fall asleep.

Xoxo, It Girl

četrtek, 7. november 2013


I woke up a little bit late in the morning.

Bus ride to school was normal like always, well my friend brought me his iPod so I will fix it and put on some music.

Well first period we would have to write an exam, but the teacher told us that's only check test and that we will write exam next week.
Later I had presentation and then ended classes.

After that we went to get lunch with friends because of project day later, well I think pizza or our drinks were bad, because whel later we got coffee we were laughing like crazy for an hour.

Well thing about yesterdey for tomorrows dancing lessons there was some last time changes and my dancing partner Matevž would have to go to his hockey practince at the same time and we decided that Jaka would dance with me.

So Matevž send me text today that if I have a car, he will go from the practice a little bit earlier, but I don't have it so my friend just offered herself to drive us and pick him up.
Yay! :P

Then we had another round of presentations in school.

Now I'm just going home in my bed and I'm gonna fall asleep.

Xoxo, It Girl

sreda, 6. november 2013

Eco fun!

I woke up normally, but I fell asleep on the bus.

School was fun, we had only two classes, we had brunch and free period. My schoolmate Anže got me tickets for Modrijani concer, me and my mom wanted to go again soo bad.

After that they decided that we will have eco day. Me Anže and Andrej had so much fun. We laughed a lot, my stomach hurted so bad. 

C'mon look at them! Two Calvin Klein models working outside.

When I got home I finally got The Wanted concert tickets.

I talked with my friends pretty much all day. 

My mom took me, my sister and a friend to Chinese restaurant. We ate some awesome things.

When I got home I prepared stuff for my dads place and school.

Xoxo, It Girl

torek, 5. november 2013

Word Of Mouth!

I woke up pretty much normally. 

I got ready for school really fast, I even got to the main bus station 5 minutes earlier than I normally do.

During the bus ride to school I listened to the new CD by The Wanted called Word of Mouth, well I got deluxe edition and I can honestly say that I love it.

We got first period free so we went to get some coffee like we always do. It's funny because last year we went like 2 or 3 times in a month, now we go like 2 or 3 times in a week.

School was surprisingly pretty busy. 
I started working on my graduation project again because the teacher got me better theme to write about.

After school I had 2 hours of driving lessons, I just drove around, I even went to the place where my schoolmate Nik, who is a hockey player, lives, well I didn't saw him for months, I think the last time I saw him was in May or June, I'm not really sure.

When I finished my mom picked me up and went to get a lunch. Yuum, it was just so good. Noodles with chicken, mushrooms and cream sauce. 

Well she told me that I got some speciall letter and well I told her about the ticket for The Wanted concert.

Then I waited my mom in the car when she went to do some stuff.

After that we did a little groceries shoping and went home.
I ate pineapple & some cereal, I learned some stuff for school and took a shower.

Now I'm probably gonna watch some tv or read a book and fall asleep.

Okey before I end this can you pretty please vote for my school.
It's Ekonomska gimnazija in srednja šola Radovljica.

Thank you!

Xoxo, It Girl

ponedeljek, 4. november 2013

Runaway Bus!

It was pretty hard to get my ass from the bed this morning.
I had only like 4 hours of the sleep. I just hate insomnia.
I got ready pretty fast.
Yaay, let's the good day begin, I thought to myself.

It was really dark, cold and rainy outside and I had to walk to bus station just to get the bus for my main bus station, without my umbrella. Well that's great I was wet.
When I got there the bus just drove of without me, leaving me there standing in the rain.
So I had to hitchhike, there was one man who stopped and drove me almost to the station, so I had to walk in the rain again.
When I got on the bus I thought finally I would sit, but no I had to stand for like 45 minutes, all the way to my school, and in the end I felt sooo sick, I really wanted just to throw up, but I didn't.
Just great.

Well me, Maruša and Nace went to get some coffee, well I had hot chocolate, because I didn't have time to eat in the morning, and he was just sooooo kind and payed for all the stuff.

School went by pretty fast, it was nothing special any way.
I talked with Matevž about dancing lessons, which will start on friday.

When I got home I ate a little, did some stuff for school and fall asleep for like an hour when I was reading new Cosmopolitan.

I was talking with my friend Matej about the concert and just stuff for like the whole day. 

When I woke up I had dinner, I did some report stuff for my profesor and now I'm just talking with friends ready to go to sleep.

Xoxo, It Girl

nedelja, 3. november 2013

Story Of My Life!

Well I woke up around 10 am with this big pain in my head.
Anyway I had breakfast and did some cleaning.

My mom prepared this amazing lunch and after that me and my sister watched The Dictator on the tv.
I helped her with some school stuff and just talked with my friends.

Later I watched Safe Heaven, maaaaan I love this movie!
I saw Story Of My Life video and it's just flawless!

Well yesterday my friend told me about The Wanted concert in Vienn in February.
So I just talked about that with my other friend Matej and we decided to go. Like #YOLO !!
We boughth the tickets and now we can only wait.
2014 is gonna be amazing.

Then I finished my English presentation and just took a shower.
Now I'm gonna prepare all the stuff for school and just enyoj the rest of the hollydays :D
I don't wanna go to school tomorow, but it's Monday and I love Mondays for like 4 weeks now because of Justin Bieber and his #MusicMondays !

Xoxo, It Girl

sobota, 2. november 2013

The Key!

Well I woke up around 9 am, eat some breakfast with my mom and we just packed things for home.
Then I woke up my sister and we just prepared to go.

Then we went to my moms friend and well we just stayed there for lunch.

Shoping came later, we got some stuff for our living room an well me and my sister wanted to buy new One Directions perfume called One Moment but they didn't have it.
Well instead of that we bought The Key by Justin Bieber and One Directions Take Me Home album. Awesome!
Best music and great perfume! <3

After that we went home, it felt like really long ride home because it started raining.

When I got home we just ate a little dinner and well we just ate sweets for the rest of the evening! I can honestly tell you I'm never gonna repeat that because my stomach hurts now.

I watched some tv with mom and we were watching VIP show and there was Dejan Vunjak. 
Mannnn, I always thought he's like 25 or something but he's only 20! 
Damn' that's sweet he's only 2 years older than me! <3 
Okey, I cannot help it I knida love him! XP

Well that's all for today!

Xoxo, It Girl

petek, 1. november 2013

Polaroid Lightmixer 360!

I woke around 9 am and had breakfast with my family.
After that, I started to work on my project again.
I just can't describe how much I admire Demi, I just want that this presentation is pure perfection.

I found this Polaroid Lightmixer 630 camera, I hope that is still working, well my cousin told me that is almost brand new, well I just have to buy film.

We had good lunch and prepared to go on graves like we do every year on 1st November.
It was just good that it was actually a nice weather.

I drove back home with my cousin.
We had dinner and again we ate chestnuts.
Well my mom then left us and went to see one of her friends. 
We just stayed there around the table and just talked.
About everything.

The last thing I know I was crying, because everything just hit me, from my dad not really being a part of my life since I was born, he was just this shadow, sometimes I really don't know who he is, about my mom being sick, about me staying so strong all these years, well in that point I just broke down crying, ruining my mascara and eyeliner, damn' I was really black around my eyes. Hh.

And now? I'm just on the laptop, watching videos on YouTube, listening to Story of My Life by One Direction, searching for some inspiration and talking with my friends.

Xoxo, It Girl