nedelja, 26. oktober 2014

Red head!

About that hair colour, hahah. So Neža changed my hair colour to red, but me and domen photoshopped the picture and send it to my boy looking like I was this kind of yellow blonde. It was hilarious. He was just soooooo pissed of! :D

So friday was pretty normal, all I did was sleep, eat, and I watched Pretty Little Liars all day.
Being free on fridays is kinda relaxing but still, I was bored.

Yesterday was just too great! In the morning I helped my grandma with some stuff at home, then we got some visitors and we went to get lunch together at Karjola. Damn' they just always impress me! Their food is just too good!
After that I went to band practice and we had so much fun! At one point we even decorated the car.
After practice was done, me, Gaja, Patrik and Rok stayed there and played some billiard and ate pizza. Me and Gaja got bored pretty quick so we turned the music on and we just sang our hearts out for like 1 hour and half until my boy came home from Austria

I stayed with him for a little while, others went to get ready for our night out.
My boy went to sleep. Me, Gaja, Patrik, Rok and Domen went to Koštabona to this little rock night with Šank Rock and it was just ahhhh.
It really was great night!

Xoxo, It Girl

četrtek, 23. oktober 2014

Just great!

So after I wrote the first blog today, I did some stuff for UNI, I had lunch and went to Koper.
UNI was just hilarious, we did some work we went out of the class to get coffee, we came back did some more work and just had fun. It really was great class.

After the classes finished we went to Atrij and had lunch again, well we were really hungry.
Then I meet Neža at her hairdressing school and she changed my hair colour. 
It's just super amazing.

Now I'm just ready to go to bed. I'm pretty tired so yeah!

Xoxo, It Girl

Keep on moving!

Last few days were pretty interesting. 
Well monday, what happened on monday?
We had kolokvij in math and I hope I did pretty good job at that. :D 
The rest of the day? Nothing special really.

Tuesdays, well they are great!
We had some math at UNI and after that, we went to get some lunch. I saw my friend Patrik and then I went home with my schoolmate Doroteja. 
I helped with some cleaning and finally started to keep on with some PLL episodes. Damn I'm in the middle of 4th season. I studied just a little bit for my kolokvij that I had next day.
Later on my boy came over and we just talked, laughed, watched some stuff on my laptop and just chilled.

We came to UNI at around 8.30 and we actually were done at around 10am. 
Coffee with my schoolmates after that was just so great! We talked, we laughed, and it really was great!

After I came home around 11am, I did some stuff for UNI and just chilled.
After lunch I went to band practice and had fun with them.
Ahhh, my Juice's. :P
 Then I went to Koper with my boy Kim and Davor, just to get some stuff because he went on a trip to Vienna and Graz today. We ate dinner together and went home.

So yeah, what's gonna happen today? I will write at the end of the day.
That's all for now.
Xoxo, It Girl

ponedeljek, 20. oktober 2014


I could say that it was pretty much an interesting day.
Well, we studied  pretty much all day, and well the exam was nothing like we would expected but still, I knew some stuff so it won't be that bad after all. 
After that we went to eat and got this well deserved crêpes, which were just so delicious!

Later I meet my boy and went home with him. 
My cousin came to say hii and we ate chestnuts. :D
Don't judge me, I'm freaking obsessed with them.

Now I'm just learning some managemant for next few days and talking with some friends.
Xoxo, It Girl

nedelja, 19. oktober 2014

Back on the road with writing!

So I just wanna say that I'm back on with writing my blog... Thanks to the girl/boy that said that I should write again.

I don't see a point of writing all the stuff that happened to me over the summer and at the last couple of days since the UNI started on my daily blog so I'm just gonna write few blog posts on my Stay Strong Forever blog:

1. Back to summer 2014
2. Damn UNI life
3. UK trip
4. Primark haul 

So yeah I have quite a few ideas for my blog posts, that are gonna be posted online in next 2 weeks or less. Plus I have to film that Primark haul video and post ti on YouTube along with the UK trip video so yeah quite a few thing that I have to do. 

Uni again is making me busy this weekend, studying math and introduction to management, because of some tests.

Yesterday was just amazing day.
I woke up and cleaned the house since my grandma went in Trieste. Then I studied some math just in case yeah, I really want to pass the "kolokvij" so I don't have to go write an exam. After lunch I went in Koper for the Photography classes that I'm taking, just because I want to get even better that I'm now.

Later on I went to see my baby's from the band to Bernardin where they were filming some scenes for their music video.
Vineyards, sea and beautiful sunset, it just could get any better at that time, we drove around in this pretty car and stuff like that, just having fun. 

After this great dinner in Karjola I came home with my bae and just chilled. 
It was really nice day. 

Well today is nothing special really, studying, eating and well blogging. 
So that's all for today. 

Check out that Meghan Trainor - All About That Bass song, it's stuck in my head!

Xoxo, It Girl

četrtek, 21. avgust 2014

New day!

Well I woke up at around 8 am and went to driving lessons.

After that I meet my sister in Radovljica to get her some school stuff in the store and  did some paper work.

When I got home I helped with making some supplies for winter and had lunch.

Later I went to see some car offers and studied some Sociology.

Now I'm talking with my bae and just waiting to fall asleep for brand new day.

Xoxo, It Girl 

sreda, 20. avgust 2014


Well hello, I'm back in Bohinj to finish some stuff. 

In the morning I didn't do anything speciall, I took a shower, packed bags and watched tv.

Later my bae came to say goodbye and well after that I went home.

It's freaking cold here and it's raining. 

So yeah, my head hurts pretty bad now and I'm going to sleep.

Xoxo, It Girl 

ponedeljek, 18. avgust 2014

Yup, I know!

Haha yeah I know, I said that I would write blog every single day in summer, but well, nothing special doesn't even happen.

But yeah, my life kind of changed and I love it. I miss my friends over there in Bohinj, but I meet so many good people here, and yeah this summer is pretty special.

I'm going back home in Bohinj on Wednesday for about two weeks or more to finally finish my driving license tests and Sociology and my little brother will have christening and then I will come back in Koper.

These days were just crazy, I had fun with friends, well I try to enjoy so much as I can!
I was really enjoying the days that I spend out on late nights just taking pictures and chatting with friends.

Well our band went on a boat one day and it was pretty special, we were jumping in the water from the boat and later walked around Izola, ate some mini pancakes and went in lunapark.

 I love it here, my new room is awesome, people are great and I just love life.

Gonna post some pictures down there.

Well, that's all!

Xoxo, It Girl

So my sis took a photo of me sleeping.

My bandmates getting people on their knees.

In the cinema. 
Eating frojo with sister.

Little pose.


Yup I could say that, I'm pretty much okey and alive!

So I didn't get my driving license yet, but I'm working on it. 
But that did not destroy my birthday! After I failed with the test I just jumped on a bus and went to Ljubljana to get my friend Vlado.
We took the train back to my bff Kristina and had lunch, after couple of minutes my friend Tjaša arrived and we went to shop to get some more food and soft drinks. 
We were pretty slow and kinda forgot about the time and went on the road. 
So my friends from Koper, my lovely OJB mates called me when we were in Jereka and we actually waited for them there and slowly together went to my house. 

I won't go into details, but all I can say is that it was the best birthday ever! Even better than my 18! 
I can only say "Thank you for existing my friends!" ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
I love you and I've never been so grateful to have you in my life! 

So then I went back to Koper with them and just rested for a day. 
Next day we had little gig to go to and yeah. 
I re-painted my room, we got some furniture and today we're just finishing it, so this means I am really moving here! And I just can't wait to be here for longer than just 2 weeks. Ahhh.

That's all for now.

Xoxo, It Girl

ponedeljek, 7. julij 2014


It took me to long to get my ass behind the laptop again. Like last weeks were just incredible.

I went to see One Direction and 5 Seconds Of Summer on San Siro, Milan on their Where We Are Tour on 29/6/2014. It was absolutely amazing. I came home speechless. It was one of the best days of my life so far.

Today I officially graduated from high school and I'm beyond happy about it. 

The only thing that is getting on my nerves this days is getting my driving license. I literary suck. I'm so nerves, like I'm shaking and I get so scared, and I try my best but just fail big time. It's just like I can't focus and I feel so bad when I'm behind the steering wheel and I just don't know why. The funny thing is I loved to drive around with my mom and dad but now all I wanna do is quit. Ahhhhh.

That's all for now. I just have to calm myself somehow. 

Ps.: Totally forgot to say a massive happy birthday to my favorite boy on the planet right now, Ashton Irwin! Have a sweet 20th birthday drummer boy! Xx

Xoxo, It Girl

nedelja, 22. junij 2014


It's crazy how time pass by so fast!
Like I finished all my finals and the only thing now is that I have to wait for results for like 2 weeks, but yeah just awesome! 
I can honestly say that I'm glad it's finally over, because it was stressing the shit out of me. Sorry for bad words but I really don't care right now. 

So I'm gonna start with my driving lessons again, to finally get my drivin license. I will be independet, just sooooo good. 

This weekend was just amazing. I went to Koper after like what, a month I think and I couldn't ask for more! 
To just be here and be with people I love the most, priceless feeling, can't really say how much I missed them. It drove me insane to be in Bohinj, (stu)dying. Hehe. Like it's so diferent, the energy, weather, people, just everything.

The best thing was to be with my OJB mates again. Had the best laughs with them this week, some crazy things happened, but yeah that makes us all speciall and little retarded in this group. Ahhhhh, I gotta love them! 
And guys, thanks for filling my phone with random crazy pictures! 😜  

That's all for now.
Xoxo, It Girl 

sobota, 7. junij 2014


Last few days were just incredible. 

On Wednesday I packed my bags and prepared for my trip to Milan on Thursday.
I went to Eva and just had fun for the rest of the evening.

Next day we went to Milan and it was awesomeeeee!
I'm gonna post a blog about it really soon. It's all written but I'm waiting for the video so yeah. I got back on friday had a little sleep and I went out with friends. 
I still can not believe that I meet the boys.

Today I worte a blog, went to my little friend and now I'm just going out again.
That's quick post for now. So yeah.

Xoxo, It Girl 

torek, 3. junij 2014



I woke up around 6.30am and went to the school. Like the other day final exam was not that hard as I was expecting it to be. 
When I got home I ate lunch and went to study Sociology. 
At around 8pm, I felt so sick, tired and just desperate. 
I went on my moms grave, I just stood there and cried my heart out. It was half year since she died. Crying there for about an hour helped me. I felt a little dizzy and dehydrated, but I drank a glass of water and went back to study until 2am.


 I woke up at 4.30am and felt exhausted. I was such a nerve wreck! 
When I got in Radovljica the first thing that I did was going back behind those books and study while I drank some orange juice and coffee. The other girls then arrived and I didn't know who was nerves the most.
I'm gonna skip almost the 4h exam and write about feelings when I finished it!  It was such a joy that it was over. 

I got home around 4pm and ate lunch with family. After that I started preparing some stuff for Milano trip on Thursday and yeah. Now I'm just going to sleep because I did not sleep in like 5 days and I'm tired as hell.

Xoxo, It Girl

sobota, 31. maj 2014

English final!


I couldn't sleep at all last night.
I was such a nerv wreck. I think it was around 2.30am when I finally fell asleep. 
I had to woke up around 7am, get ready, because my dad drove me to school.
I felt sick, I was just so nervous and I couldn't help it. But I was nervous for no reason. 

Couple of minutes before 9am we got the exams and we get to know the rules. At 9am we started. The exam wasn't hard at all. I've been done in like 20 minutes. So I went out of the class and waited for 10am to start second part of the exam. Well that one was ever easier than the first one. I just wrote two short essays and I was done. 
I've never been so happy, 1st exam was behind me and only 3 to go.
Monday and Tuesday will be harder. Slovenian exam and Sociology. 
When I got home I ate and went to study but yeah I fell asleep until like 7am. 
Later I went to get my sister and well after that I went to sleep.


I woke up around 10am, ate a little and went to study for my next two exams. Istudied  pretty much the whole day , except when I watched Moto GP and now I'm offffffffff to bed. 
Night night!

Xoxo, It Girl

petek, 30. maj 2014

Don't Stop!

Hei, it's me again.

The last few days all I did and do is study, study, study.
Starting with first graduation final test tomorrow, well it's English and yeah, that won't be so hard. 
I'm pretty much scared for Sociology on Tuesday, but well if I started it I will have to finish it I guess. 

"Don't stop doin' what you're doin'... "

So yeah the school is keeping me verry busy and I can't wait getting over with. 

So in the last few weeks I've been listening to diferent albums and I'm gonna wrote a rewiev about that.

I just wrote a blog post about my trip to Milan back in April, and well I study. 
So here is the link about the trip:
--> Milano Trip - 5 Seconds of Summer - Take No.1 <--
So a lot of things comming up in these days so keep in touch.

Xoxo, It Girl 

ponedeljek, 19. maj 2014


So I'm here at home waiting my friend to pick me up and go to some rewieving classes for the graduation and well that clock on the church just scared the shit out of me. Hahaha. Anyway.

I've never been soo happy, I actually managed to get all my classes done and get positive grades. 
I remember the days before and after school when I went to my moms grave and just cry my heart out. I didn't have power to keep on with stuff, I wished that I could wake up with amnesia. 
After that I was just calm like I've been on stand by mode, somehow got the power to go on.

From the last time that I wrote couple of things happened and I had great time. 
The competition last weekend with band was great, had a lot of laugh.
School was just school, working and being tired from it like all the time, plus I was such a nervwreck when it came to finishing grades. In the middle if week I even got signed poster from Tim Kevin Ravnjak, man he's the best! Gotta adore him.

This weekend was good, I went to Koper. I was studying a little then on Saturday my friends Patrik, Tadej and Kim took me to see Neda Ukraden.  Hahaha, the best night. Even saw some other friends and that was awesome but the best feeling was eating McDonald's at like 2 am with them and just joking around.
When I got home I was locked out so I just had to wait and wake up one of my cousins. 

And now? Well yeah classes are good, doing stuff for graduation and from Thursday until Saturday will be awesome, and I'm pretty sure and strongly motivated to write more, it helps me.

Love you all,
Xoxo, It Girl