ponedeljek, 19. maj 2014


So I'm here at home waiting my friend to pick me up and go to some rewieving classes for the graduation and well that clock on the church just scared the shit out of me. Hahaha. Anyway.

I've never been soo happy, I actually managed to get all my classes done and get positive grades. 
I remember the days before and after school when I went to my moms grave and just cry my heart out. I didn't have power to keep on with stuff, I wished that I could wake up with amnesia. 
After that I was just calm like I've been on stand by mode, somehow got the power to go on.

From the last time that I wrote couple of things happened and I had great time. 
The competition last weekend with band was great, had a lot of laugh.
School was just school, working and being tired from it like all the time, plus I was such a nervwreck when it came to finishing grades. In the middle if week I even got signed poster from Tim Kevin Ravnjak, man he's the best! Gotta adore him.

This weekend was good, I went to Koper. I was studying a little then on Saturday my friends Patrik, Tadej and Kim took me to see Neda Ukraden.  Hahaha, the best night. Even saw some other friends and that was awesome but the best feeling was eating McDonald's at like 2 am with them and just joking around.
When I got home I was locked out so I just had to wait and wake up one of my cousins. 

And now? Well yeah classes are good, doing stuff for graduation and from Thursday until Saturday will be awesome, and I'm pretty sure and strongly motivated to write more, it helps me.

Love you all,
Xoxo, It Girl 

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