sobota, 10. maj 2014

Such a long time, huh!

So I didn't write my blog for like 2 months. 

I really miss writing it, but school kept me bussy with all the exams and work and stuff that I need to do for my finals. 
Speaking about finals, I just can't wait to graduate.  I'm gonna miss my schoolmates like hell, but new adventures comming up in college I'm sure it will be just amazing.

And speaking of amazing, I got little baby halfbrother Jernej. He's just tooooo cute. I love him! 

I think that being bussy is just my way of life. My friends and band is keeping me bussy like all the time. I'm soooo grateful for that! So I really don't have time to think hard about my mom. Because when I do I cry. Alot. Time is passing by so fast. 5 months already. Still can not believe it.

Thanks to one best friend, I feel good talking about my mom. Like I'm happy, and I won't name it, because I know who that is, and he/she knows it too. I just can't imagine how my life would be without him/her, in the past 5 months. I'm so grateful that life gave me the chance to have them in my life. 

In the last few months I've been working as a photographer for my cute amazing the best Orange Juice Band. I mean c'mon, I love them to dead, they're the best and absolutely amazing best friends. I Iearned sooooo much from them. 
Their energy makes me so positive and happy. I love working with them. ❤️

Now my health. I'm fighting daily battels with myself. I try to eat and drink alot, but still I lost like 4kg since my mom died, and well my friends are the best checking on me gaining those kg back. 

And I'm so excited for tomorrow. Going to this competition with my OJB. 

Well, love you all!
Xoxo, It Girl 

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