četrtek, 26. september 2013

Bad day or?

Just waking up early this morning was bad idea, I stayed in bed till last time to get up. 

Then I remembered I had to pack my bag,  because I'm going to my dad for the weekend.

I forgot my shoes for running so I had to go back and get them, next thing I knew I was in car with my mom going to the bus station and I left my bus card at home. Just great.

The perfec beginning of the day. ;)

Well it wasn't so bad, I went to buy new Cosmopolitan magazine and I've got this little planner as a gift.
It was great until I came to school. Everyone wanted to read it, and I got it back at the end of the day. Just great. -.-'

And when I was thinking everything is okey. Just noooooo. The last period of the day we have this class called "Business communication" . Class was just a little more loud and there was a lot of joking around. Professor was just teaching class about " Space communication" and I told my friend about "Feng Shui" and the next second I knew she was yelling on me and asked me to come to the front of the class. I was thinking like what the fuck ( I don't curse a lot, but she totally pissed me of) , and the thing was I wasn't the only one talking some of my mates were so much more louder than me.

Anyway I just went there shocked. First thing was she started yelling on me and the next thing I knew I was getting questioned for a grade.

And in the right moment I told her that I wasn't the only one talking and she started again. I was just so sad it wasn't fair, I just broke down crying. 

And some school mates actually stood up for me, and the other one just were mean to me.

After that we went for a coup of coffee with my best friend. They always makes me laugh, I just have to thank them soooooo much, and I love them forever.  Thanks Jaka, Kristina, Tjaša and Maja.

When I thought nothing could happen to me, I went to the toilet and I locked myself in. I opened the door after like 5 minutes. Jeez.

Then I went home. Nothing speciall happend, I just studied for a little, talked to my boyfriend for a while and now I'm watching Awkward.

Xoxo, It Girl

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