ponedeljek, 30. september 2013

Two Pieces!

We don't know where to go, so I'll just get lost with you
We'll never fall apart, 'cause we fit together right, we fit together right
These dark clouds over me, rain down and roll away
We'll never fall apart, 'cause we fit together like
Two pieces of a broken heart!
- Demi Lovato

I really don't know what to think lately. I'm just confused because I miss him, and I love him with all my heart, but I can't resist my friends company. It's just great to be around him, and I hate myself for that!
I won't say his name or describe him because it's just this one day thing.
He's my friend, and I will see my baby tomorrow. I hope.

Ughhh... I miss him soooo much.
Those rainy and lady days are just so depressing and when I think over I just feel stupid.

People are trying to bring me down with the comments on ask.fm , I won't name it because my boyfriend and friends told me that I'm perfect! So I won't try to really care about them.
And when I read, what my baby said about me I just started to cry, I love him so much!

And my friend is going through the heart break. And I hope he will be fine soon. I just care tooo much about people I love.

Xoxo, It Girl

nedelja, 29. september 2013

Rainy day!

Woke up around 8 am with this big pain in my stomack.

I had breakfast and then I watched The Notebook . Perfect way to spend the rainy day. I loved it! I got a little tears in my eyes.

Then I was talking with my friends and just trying to chill.

Later I had lunch and after that I watched Moto GP. 
 My baby Marc Marquez won again. I'm just sooooo proud, because he's the best and great, funny, good looking and young. The race was really interesting and great to watch.

Then I fell asleep on my phone again, I woke up when we got visitors. And my dad's girlfriend was baking cookies. <3 Yummmy.

This day I can only call lazy rainy day!

Xoxo, It Girl

sobota, 28. september 2013

The Best Time Getting A Hangover!

Yesterday was pretty awesome.
My friends picked me up and we went to a party.
It was the best, we got lost, we were wet and in the end wasted.

My firends Jaka and Matevž were the best. Had the best laugh in a couple of the weeks.
I won't go into the details because I think those will be just things we will always remember.

Well going to the morning. Woke up at like 7 am and we were just joking around, and Matevž was rocking my jacket, because he was cold.
We were just talking about tings that happened and laughed a lot.

I came home for lunch and just slept all day, later I watched Red Dawn and talked with friends. 
And now I'm just watching TV.

Xoxo, It Girl

petek, 27. september 2013

Cold party day and Cake Pops !

Woke up at 4.45 am is not funny at all. But going to caffee early just to drink cacao with creem is great. Not so great if you get black coffee with cream but It was great anyway.

There is nothing better than spending time drinking coffee with my best friend Jan, he's just like my little brother. 

The only creepy thing in school was that the professor was acting all sweet.
The rest of the classes went by pretty fast.

Then again after the school I went on drink with my friend Jan and we were talking all the way back home.
And like an hour ago I got invited to a birthday party, one of my friends Jaka will be there too and this will be actually the first party I will attend to after my 18. B-Day like 2 months ago.

Yesterday my dad introduced me to the world of "Cake Pops".
Mannnn this is heaven. I could easily get obsessed with that. :D 
 Here are some informations about "Cake Pops". That's all for now. But I will give you more informations about Party tomorrow on my other blog. -> Stay Strong Forever

Xoxo, It Girl

četrtek, 26. september 2013

Bad day or?

Just waking up early this morning was bad idea, I stayed in bed till last time to get up. 

Then I remembered I had to pack my bag,  because I'm going to my dad for the weekend.

I forgot my shoes for running so I had to go back and get them, next thing I knew I was in car with my mom going to the bus station and I left my bus card at home. Just great.

The perfec beginning of the day. ;)

Well it wasn't so bad, I went to buy new Cosmopolitan magazine and I've got this little planner as a gift.
It was great until I came to school. Everyone wanted to read it, and I got it back at the end of the day. Just great. -.-'

And when I was thinking everything is okey. Just noooooo. The last period of the day we have this class called "Business communication" . Class was just a little more loud and there was a lot of joking around. Professor was just teaching class about " Space communication" and I told my friend about "Feng Shui" and the next second I knew she was yelling on me and asked me to come to the front of the class. I was thinking like what the fuck ( I don't curse a lot, but she totally pissed me of) , and the thing was I wasn't the only one talking some of my mates were so much more louder than me.

Anyway I just went there shocked. First thing was she started yelling on me and the next thing I knew I was getting questioned for a grade.

And in the right moment I told her that I wasn't the only one talking and she started again. I was just so sad it wasn't fair, I just broke down crying. 

And some school mates actually stood up for me, and the other one just were mean to me.

After that we went for a coup of coffee with my best friend. They always makes me laugh, I just have to thank them soooooo much, and I love them forever.  Thanks Jaka, Kristina, Tjaša and Maja.

When I thought nothing could happen to me, I went to the toilet and I locked myself in. I opened the door after like 5 minutes. Jeez.

Then I went home. Nothing speciall happend, I just studied for a little, talked to my boyfriend for a while and now I'm watching Awkward.

Xoxo, It Girl

sreda, 25. september 2013

Just a normal day.

Waking up in the empty house, feeling depressed.
After putting on my clothes and eye contacts, I'm slowly trying to get myself in to the normal day rhythm.

While I was brushing my teeth mom rushed in from the front door, trying to be ready to pick me up. 
It was just another day that she wouldn't wake up her own bed.

School was pretty normal, just one of my economy teacher creep me with her evil looking while she was thinking who will come to the front of the class and be questioned. 
I just hate her.

In the free period we went to get a coup of coffee and we were just talking about haunted house, things that happened in war and stuff like that. I mean we had big thoughts.
Next thing in German class was pretty funny writing my own poem. 
After the school, I was lonely waiting my bus to come, but my great friend Jaka came to see me and he just always makes me laugh. And I love him for that.

Later today I went to se my boo and it was sooooo nice to see him after a couple of days. 
And right now? Just sitting here and waiting to watch some cooking show later on tv. 
Did I said I love to cook and eat?

Xoxo, It Girl

Say Hello!

So I guess this will be my new daily blog.  

Writing about everything that happens to me during the day.

Names in blog are made up - or not.

That's all for the introduction.

Xoxo, It Girl