nedelja, 26. oktober 2014

Red head!

About that hair colour, hahah. So Neža changed my hair colour to red, but me and domen photoshopped the picture and send it to my boy looking like I was this kind of yellow blonde. It was hilarious. He was just soooooo pissed of! :D

So friday was pretty normal, all I did was sleep, eat, and I watched Pretty Little Liars all day.
Being free on fridays is kinda relaxing but still, I was bored.

Yesterday was just too great! In the morning I helped my grandma with some stuff at home, then we got some visitors and we went to get lunch together at Karjola. Damn' they just always impress me! Their food is just too good!
After that I went to band practice and we had so much fun! At one point we even decorated the car.
After practice was done, me, Gaja, Patrik and Rok stayed there and played some billiard and ate pizza. Me and Gaja got bored pretty quick so we turned the music on and we just sang our hearts out for like 1 hour and half until my boy came home from Austria

I stayed with him for a little while, others went to get ready for our night out.
My boy went to sleep. Me, Gaja, Patrik, Rok and Domen went to Koštabona to this little rock night with Šank Rock and it was just ahhhh.
It really was great night!

Xoxo, It Girl

četrtek, 23. oktober 2014

Just great!

So after I wrote the first blog today, I did some stuff for UNI, I had lunch and went to Koper.
UNI was just hilarious, we did some work we went out of the class to get coffee, we came back did some more work and just had fun. It really was great class.

After the classes finished we went to Atrij and had lunch again, well we were really hungry.
Then I meet Neža at her hairdressing school and she changed my hair colour. 
It's just super amazing.

Now I'm just ready to go to bed. I'm pretty tired so yeah!

Xoxo, It Girl

Keep on moving!

Last few days were pretty interesting. 
Well monday, what happened on monday?
We had kolokvij in math and I hope I did pretty good job at that. :D 
The rest of the day? Nothing special really.

Tuesdays, well they are great!
We had some math at UNI and after that, we went to get some lunch. I saw my friend Patrik and then I went home with my schoolmate Doroteja. 
I helped with some cleaning and finally started to keep on with some PLL episodes. Damn I'm in the middle of 4th season. I studied just a little bit for my kolokvij that I had next day.
Later on my boy came over and we just talked, laughed, watched some stuff on my laptop and just chilled.

We came to UNI at around 8.30 and we actually were done at around 10am. 
Coffee with my schoolmates after that was just so great! We talked, we laughed, and it really was great!

After I came home around 11am, I did some stuff for UNI and just chilled.
After lunch I went to band practice and had fun with them.
Ahhh, my Juice's. :P
 Then I went to Koper with my boy Kim and Davor, just to get some stuff because he went on a trip to Vienna and Graz today. We ate dinner together and went home.

So yeah, what's gonna happen today? I will write at the end of the day.
That's all for now.
Xoxo, It Girl

ponedeljek, 20. oktober 2014


I could say that it was pretty much an interesting day.
Well, we studied  pretty much all day, and well the exam was nothing like we would expected but still, I knew some stuff so it won't be that bad after all. 
After that we went to eat and got this well deserved crêpes, which were just so delicious!

Later I meet my boy and went home with him. 
My cousin came to say hii and we ate chestnuts. :D
Don't judge me, I'm freaking obsessed with them.

Now I'm just learning some managemant for next few days and talking with some friends.
Xoxo, It Girl

nedelja, 19. oktober 2014

Back on the road with writing!

So I just wanna say that I'm back on with writing my blog... Thanks to the girl/boy that said that I should write again.

I don't see a point of writing all the stuff that happened to me over the summer and at the last couple of days since the UNI started on my daily blog so I'm just gonna write few blog posts on my Stay Strong Forever blog:

1. Back to summer 2014
2. Damn UNI life
3. UK trip
4. Primark haul 

So yeah I have quite a few ideas for my blog posts, that are gonna be posted online in next 2 weeks or less. Plus I have to film that Primark haul video and post ti on YouTube along with the UK trip video so yeah quite a few thing that I have to do. 

Uni again is making me busy this weekend, studying math and introduction to management, because of some tests.

Yesterday was just amazing day.
I woke up and cleaned the house since my grandma went in Trieste. Then I studied some math just in case yeah, I really want to pass the "kolokvij" so I don't have to go write an exam. After lunch I went in Koper for the Photography classes that I'm taking, just because I want to get even better that I'm now.

Later on I went to see my baby's from the band to Bernardin where they were filming some scenes for their music video.
Vineyards, sea and beautiful sunset, it just could get any better at that time, we drove around in this pretty car and stuff like that, just having fun. 

After this great dinner in Karjola I came home with my bae and just chilled. 
It was really nice day. 

Well today is nothing special really, studying, eating and well blogging. 
So that's all for today. 

Check out that Meghan Trainor - All About That Bass song, it's stuck in my head!

Xoxo, It Girl

četrtek, 21. avgust 2014

New day!

Well I woke up at around 8 am and went to driving lessons.

After that I meet my sister in Radovljica to get her some school stuff in the store and  did some paper work.

When I got home I helped with making some supplies for winter and had lunch.

Later I went to see some car offers and studied some Sociology.

Now I'm talking with my bae and just waiting to fall asleep for brand new day.

Xoxo, It Girl 

sreda, 20. avgust 2014


Well hello, I'm back in Bohinj to finish some stuff. 

In the morning I didn't do anything speciall, I took a shower, packed bags and watched tv.

Later my bae came to say goodbye and well after that I went home.

It's freaking cold here and it's raining. 

So yeah, my head hurts pretty bad now and I'm going to sleep.

Xoxo, It Girl